Patrick van der Hoeff

Hoeff, PVV, including logo on the bottom left


Patrick van der Hoeff is born in Sas van Gent on 16 October 1975 and lives in Philippine. He is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“Stay true to yourself and people will gravitate to you”

Politics is an incredibly broad field, so I prefer viewing political issues from a down-to-earth perspective to help me keep track of the bigger picture. My down-to-earth attitude is a common thread in my life. As a former supermarket manager, I used to talk to countless people every day. I still use the experience I gained in that role as an MP, because it is vital that politicians stay in touch with the common people.

For all Dutch people

Trust in politicians is at an all-time low, but I hope to restore confidence in public leadership for all. I care deeply about being able to help Dutch people from my office. After all, I am an MP for all Dutch people, not just my supporters.

Being true to yourself

You have to stay true to yourself, and if you do, people will always gravitate to you. As a former entrepreneur who has successfully made the climb to the House, I am very aware of the importance of staying in touch with ordinary people. I would never have been an MP without the voters, so I am keen to represent their interests in the House.