Mona Keijzer

Keijzer, BB, including logo on the bottom left


Mona Keijzer is born in Edam on 9 October 1968 and lives in Edam. She is in total 2175 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“If you only look over your shoulder, you will stumble”

My dream is for everyone in the Netherlands to get along, no matter their beliefs and opinions. Polarisation has taken the country by storm, but we are still in it together. I will also aim to help the country break free from stifling rules and protocols, so that we can simply live our lives again.


I look forward to being an MP. The seven people in our group all share the same mission: we want to make the Netherlands a better place, get even more votes in the next elections, and keep tackling the problems facing us. It is crucial that we start factoring farmers and citizens into nature policy again.

We fought and we laughed

I am brimming with energy and will always look to put other people in the spotlight. I take great pleasure in helping and showing people the way. The House has its fair share of rules and protocols, and MPs do really need to know the Rules of Procedure, so they can use them to their benefit. Beat the system! That is what makes the job fun. I hope that at the end of my parliamentary term, I can look back and say that we fought together and laughed together.

The price

I have a daily step goal of 10,000 steps, but I have to admit that I failed more often than not during campaign season. I read whatever I can get my hands on, from biographies and novels to political books and history.


  • Lawyers training 2006
  • Mediator training 2006
  • Dutch law (specialisation physical planning law, environmental law, environmental policy), University of Amsterdam 1992-1997
  • Legal public administration, University of Amsterdam 1987-1992
  • Pre-university education, St. Werenfridus, Hoorn 1981-1987


  • Alderwoman municipality of Purmerend 2007-2012
  • Lawyer and mediator, Abma Schreurs Lawyers and Notaries, Purmerend 2006-2007
  • Alderwoman and deputy mayor municipality of Waterland 2004-2005
  • Alderwoman and deputy mayor municipality of Waterland 1998-2003
  • Jurist environmental affairs, Municipality of Almere 1997-1998
  • Jurist, Inspection Environmental hygiene Gelderland 1995-1997
  • Managementtrainee, Faculty of Arts, University of Leiden 1993-1994
  • Legal policy officer, municipality of Waterland 1991-1993