Tom van der Lee
Tom van der Lee was born in Silvolde on 9 July 1964, and lives in Amsterdam. He has been a Member of the House of Representatives for 2858 days in total.
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“Protecting the vulnerable”
Having your future depend on where you were born is simply intolerable. Inequality, injustice, and indifference are widespread obstacles standing in the way of emancipation. I have personally witnessed the catastrophic impact of the three key issues of our time: extreme inequality, forced migration, and climate change. For me, there is only one acceptable alternative: a fair, empathetic and ecologically balanced world.
International and social issues
Before being elected MP, I was campaign director and board member at Oxfam Novib for seven years, where I worked on climate change, corporate social responsibility, combatting tax evasion, and more. Before that, from 1990 to 2009, I was a political coordinator and press officer of the GroenLinks parliamentary group. I advised many GroenLinks MPs during that time, and spent a long time as the right-hand man to Paul Rosenmöller and Femke Halsema. You could say that I have an in-depth knowledge of sustainability-related, international and social issues.
Product of Catholic emancipation
I am the son of two teachers, the grandchild of a baker and a gardener, and the product of Catholic emancipation. I began rebelling against the church, nuclear weapons and big capital at an early age. I studied political science at the University of Amsterdam and was a student leader, a non-violent squatter, and a conscientious objector.
In my spare time, I like to stay in shape by riding my mountain bike and watch my daughter play football for SV Kadoelen in Amsterdam-Noord, where I am also a linesman.