Kati Piri


Kati Piri is born in Celldömölk on 8 April 1979 and lives in 's-Gravenhage. She is in total 1113 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“The Netherlands can play a leading role in Europe”

I will never forget the fall of the Berlin Wall. I was 10 years old, my father took me by the hand and we watched TV together. "Look, Kati, history is being made here," he said, his eyes welling up. That day, 30 years after my father fled from communist Hungary, taught me the meaning of freedom.


If you asked me, tolerance and determination are two defining traits of the Netherlands. While they have taken us far, it also means that we occasionally seem to forget that we are part of a continent. The Netherlands can lead the way in Europe on climate, recovering from the COVID pandemic, rule of law and more, and I hope to make a valuable contribution.


My work as an MEP was a little too abstract for my liking, precisely because meeting and talking to people gives me lots of energy. I am not a technocrat; I want to be approachable. My favourite part of national politics is that I get to be a people’s representative above all else. Most of all, I will not miss the long commutes.


  • Master in International Relations, University of Groningen, Groningen, 2000-2007
  • Propedeuse Pedagogical Sciences and English, University of Groningen, Groningen, 1998-2000


  • International Secretary, PvdA Netherlands, from 2018
  • Member of the European Parliament, PvdA, Brussels, from 2014
  • Program Manager,The Netherlands Institute for Multiparty Democracy (NIMD), The Hague, 2011-2014
  • Coordinator, Wiardi Beckman Stichting (WBS) The Hague, 2011
  • Political advisor, PvdA EU-delegation, Brussels 2006-2008