Mikal Tseggai

Tseggai, GroenLinks-PvdA, including logo on the bottom left.


Mikal Tseggai is born in Haarlem on 2 February 1995 and lives in 's-Gravenhage. She is in total 133 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“Fighting for a just society”

As an MP, I look forward to making the Netherlands a more equitable, more just country, in which everyone has equal opportunities. Two other important issues for me are education and fighting discrimination. As a young woman myself, I also care deeply about representing the voice of younger generations in the House.

Dreams of being a mayor

When I was 10 or 11, I wanted to be mayor. I have always been interested in politics, although I would not say that I come from a political family. My career in politics started in local politics, which taught me valuable lessons that I can now put into practice as an MP.

Building bridges

I always try to build bridges, connect people and listen to them. I love engaging with people, and while I prefer face-to-face conversations, I also appreciate the opportunities offered by social media to reach out to more people.

Playing the piano and singing

Music is one of my passions: I love playing piano and singing and was even in a band for a while.