Eddy van Hijum

Huijum, NSC, including logo on the bottom left


Eddy van Hijum is born in Delft on 17 April 1972 and lives in Laag Zuthem. He is in total 4222 days active in the House of Representatives.

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"Time for recovery"

We want to restore confidence in public leadership, and while that will probably take some time, I am convinced that we can make a difference together.

Changing the culture of public leadership

Many people have lost their faith in politics and it is our duty to restore their confidence and convince them that politicians represent them too. It all comes down to how you solve problems, how you interact with each other, and how you deal with complicated issues.

Wealth of experience

I am convinced that we can change the culture in The Hague. I have a wealth of political experience, having started out in Zwolle municipal council before an 11-year spell as an MP and 8 years with the provincial executive. Together with the other NSC MPs, I am committed to fostering a cultural turnaround.

More than the Randstad

It is important that we bridge the urban-rural divide, because there is more to the Netherlands than just the Randstad. There is a general sense that politicians in The Hague tend to turn a blind eye to regional infrastructure, hospitals, and the like. That is why I entered politics.

Bridging the gap

Politics serves the people, but many people feel disengaged from it. The House is a great place to bridge the gap and engage people on the issues relevant to them, while also showing that decision-making requires complicated trade-offs. This is how democracy is supposed to work.

Beach running

In my spare time, I enjoy running. During my previous spell as an MP, I would often walk along the beach in Scheveningen, which I hope to start doing again. I also enjoy playing guitar.