Joost Sneller

Sneller, D66, including logo on the bottom left.


Joost Sneller was born in Haarlem on 24 July 1982, and lives in 's-Gravenhage. He has been a Member of the House of Representatives for 2659 days in total.

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"Education is the key to democracy"

Enabling people to live their own lives as much as possible is my biggest motivation. I am passionate about removing hurdles and ensuring that everyone knows their rights and can live their lives to the fullest. That is why good education and a resilient democracy are high on my agenda: education helps people to develop to the best of their ability, gain knowledge and learn skills, which we need if we are to get people actively involved in our democracy and Dutch governance.

House intern

I love how D66 combines a liberal outlook with social politics, which is why I joined the party as an intern in the House of Representatives in 2005. In the years that followed, I became a policy officer and political secretary, before serving as a D66 municipal councillor in The Hague from 2010 until 2014.

Democracy from the Netherlands to Myanmar

In 2014, my girlfriend and I left for Myanmar for 18 months to train political parties and candidates for International IDEA, a democratic advocacy group. Fighting for such a good cause was a remarkable experience.

Real change

After returning to the Netherlands in 2016, I continued my career as director of the political think tank of D66. I have now been an MP for some time and have gained experience in various working groups and committees, including as rapporteur and committee chair. By working together on legislation, I can help foster real change for society.