Chris Stoffer

Stoffer, SGP, including logo on the bottom left.


Chris Stoffer is born in Harderwijk on 19 September 1974 and lives in Elspeet. He is in total 2198 days active in the House of Representatives.

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“Results-oriented collaboration”

As an MP, your goal is to do what is best for the country. As a member of SGP, I do so from a specific perspective. For example, I do not think it is fair that single-income households pay proportionally much more tax than double-income households, and I care deeply about giving the energy transition a boost.

Eastern Netherlands

I live in Elspeet, so I am especially eager to stand up for the interests of the Veluwe and the Eastern Netherlands as an MP.

Road safety

Before entering politics, I was with the Department of Public Works (Rijkswaterstaat), where I was director of Eastern Netherlands. Personally, I am very interested in road safety. Our N-roads are very busy, and yet there are no physical barriers between lanes, which has caused countless accidents.

Knowledge and authority

As an MP, I’m interested in results-oriented collaboration, rather than the game of politics, with all of the attention to PR and careerists. Koos van den Berg (SGP MP from 1986 to 2002), a man of great knowledge and authority, is an important role model for me.